John Dimmer

                              John Dimmer

February 13,2020

John Dimmer is the co founder of Angel Network Tacoma  and also a VIBE mentor at University of Washington. He was the guest speaker in our class which shared a lot  about business plans and how to figure out which business is good for you. He started his lecture with the slide which covers the  financing life cycle and also explained how we start from the idea and following the steps of pre seed funding, Seed Funding, Start-up funding , Expansion/Mezzanine  and operating it. The major questions we ask before a person start a business are : How much money do I need?, when should I raise money? And where do I go to raise money?. He explained how we start from basic thinking and also shows the sources where we can go to figure out our problems. John also discussed some major things we know while entering the business is the critical fundraising  path, where we should be the major shares holder in our company so we can make the decisions. When we left with less than 50% of shares in the company, we can lose our authority to make decisions, or the shareholders are the trusted persons that will be with you when you make decisions. We had company control when everything was going the way we wanted and then came the point of Exit Event where we know we made what our goals were and you got the  good price of company and then you can sell the business and make an exit. He also discussed the Angels groups and how we can find the suitable angle group, as they can be individually and they can also be the groups. He taught us the valuable things to consider before the business and how to make the decisions when you are in business


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